Saturday, August 18, 2012

My cat is a stalker

I am just sitting and listening to music and checking my facebook. And then I start feeling something crawling on my leg... I look down and there she is, trying to climb to my lap. I rip her of me, 5 minutes later. IT ALL STARTS ALL OVER! Ok, I pick her up, thinking she will just sleep on my lap. but NOO, she starts to climb up my neck. I get rid of her and close my door, so I can be alone. 

Later I go to talk to my mom. AND the stalking starts again. I pet her a little. She just sits and stares at me. I go to the kitchen she follows. she starts meawing at me. suddenly she jumps, so I catch her. I walk around with her a little. I get tired of her... I go back to my room and close my door

30 minutes pass, I need to go to the bathroom. And she spots me in the hallway. I go to the bathroom, I do my business and then I hit her with the door on my way out... she was waiting for me behind the door... what a creep.

Monday, August 6, 2012

pink and purple hair.


I changed my hair... It's now pink and purple, love it! my inspiration was my little pony. I think it looks really cool and it suits me really well. I am really obsessed with pastel colors right now

I really love these Nicholas Kirkewood heals.